Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Biggest Thank You

The biggest Thank You goes to Mark. Without him, this adoption never would have happened. He opened up his heart to the idea of a child from China and worked SO hard to make it happen. All the work, all the time, all the money, all the stress when he was almost laid-off. He has worked hard all his life, saved his money, made wise choices and done the best he could. It has paid off in the life of his second daughter. I know she will be very proud of her new daddy as soon as she can understand.
I am one lucky woman.


  1. Guys we are SO proud of you for sticking thru this incredible journey! You are a true testiment to keeping the faith and pulling together! We admire you so much and are simply tickled that you are FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY bringing her home! Stay safe and healthy!!!!!!

    The Mollers

  2. Love it when the good guys win one.
