Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Brooke the Builder! Appropriate gear, since she loves to take everything apart.

Olivia and her St. Pats school projects.

The girls were playing so nicely in the sunroom yesterday, allowing me to get started painting in the kitchen. But when I went to check on them, this is what I found. Olivia was quietly coloring. Two feet away from Olivia, Brooke had found THIS as a way to entertain herself. Puzzles and memory games all over the floor. It's one of those times when you just want to close the door and pretend you didn't see it. Brooke had to suffer through clean-up this morning. She was happy to help. Thank heavens I had the forethought to look at the backs of the puzzles pieces. They were each a slightly different shade of beige, so I sorted them by color instead of picture, and it went pretty quickly. I asked Olivia why she didn't alert me that Brooke was up to no-good. She simply said she was "too busy coloring", like that should be obvious to me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Heidi, I think I would have just gotten a big trash bag and thrown it all away! The messes they can make in no time at all.
