Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

Olivia's pre-k had their annual Muffins with Mom event this past Friday. Mark was on midnight shift, so he was able to watch Brooke while I attended, since no siblings were allowed. Here is Olivia (center) as all the kids filed into the cafeteria area where the moms were seated. She's all smiles! She loves an audience!

Here they are lining up to sing their Mother's Day song for us. No stage fright for our girl!!!

After serenading us, they presented us with Mother's Day cards and a gift! Olivia made me a "shoe necklace" and painted it all kinds of pretty colors. I kept it on all weekend.

Before dining on muffins and juice, some of the girls got together for photos. This is Emily. They'll move on to the same elementary school, but we don't know if they'll be in the same class.

They had cute centerpieces - hands with messages (I love my mom because...) on pipe cleaners (like flowers in bloom) in bud vases.

Olivia cleaned up our dishes and napkins. She was very "official" about it. She told me that Miss Kathleen had told them that they were to take care of their moms for Mother's Day!

Olivia and her buddy Lily. Lily will unfortunately be going to a different elementary school down the road.

Jordana, Lily, Emliy and Olivia. (Why do I have visions of these girls as high school seniors, posing just like this, flashing thru my mind?)

After Muffins with Mom, the kids were allowed to leave for the day (if their moms said ok). We went on to meet Brooke and Daddy at Brooke's gymnastics lesson. Here is Brooke at the end of her class. She's always SOOO happy and proud of herself after her class.

We went to the girls' favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch. Olivia loves having her picture taken.

But Brooke said, "No pictures, please!"

Posing at the fountain. Olivia loves to drop money in, while Brooke would be perfectly happy jumping INTO the thing to take money OUT. We're finding that Brooke has quite a wild streak and almost no inhibitions. (And we thought Olivia was going to be a handful... HA!)

Daddy always buys peppermint patties on the way out the door. Brooke likes to take her time eating them. So, I wasn't all that surprised to find her with chocolate all over her face by the time we drove the ONE mile home.

ALL of Saturday was spent looking for Daddy's lost car keys and Anheuser-Busch computer access key fob, with much aggravation and zero success. Little hands can reach into all kinds of spaces we never even think about...
And then Sunday came. It was Mother's Day!! We went off to Sunday School and then came home to get daddy to stop working on the computer long enough to go to lunch with us. Mom's pick? The Chinese buffet down the street! Yum!!!!!
Brooke took this picture of me with Olivia. Not bad at all!!!!

Olivia took this pic of Mark, me and Brooke. Pretty good!!!!

Here we are at the restaurant. The waitresses all speak to Brooke in Chinese. She just looks at them like they are speaking Russian. Eventually they laugh and give up. Brooke loaded up on noodles, won tons (no dumplings were avilable! Phooey!), and ice cream. Olivia loaded up on fruit and ice cream. Mark and I plowed thru all the different seafood offerings (YUMMY!!!) and... our favorite Chinese dessert... flan! Oops! I guess that's NOT Chinese, but they really do make excellent flan. We ate until we were ready to burst. And didn't feel guilty at all!

On the way home, we stopped at Grandma Sally's to give her cards and wish her a Happy Mother's Day. She was getting ready for Summer Oddessy 2010 (packing the trailer and cleaning the house). Grandpa Howard had gone off to play. Hmmm.......
The girls wrestled all over the floor. Brooke had missed nap time and was out of control. Olivia just likes to wrestle.

Let's give Brooke a little more sugar!!!!!

And here is Brooke today. Calmer, and posing with her scooter. She's finally gotten tall enough for her 3T pants! We visited the ENT Monday, and will soon be making a surgery appt to get her tongue "untied". It will only take a few moments to do (snip!), but they've got to put the kids to sleep with gas so they can get it done safely (there's no way I would willingly let some guy with sissors get near my tongue!!!). We'll test her hearing then, to make sure there aren't any problems with her ears. While she certainly understands everything we say, her speech is definitley delayed. We're not surprised, since they said in her original referral paperwork that she "didn't like to talk". She talks a blue-streak now, but we're the only ones who can understand her. One step at a time!

Brooke with Oprah, the Dowager Queen of Cats. Immediately after this, Brooke rolled around in the dirt. I don't think those cute pink jeans will ever come clean again. Oh, well. Tomorrow we are taking Grandma Sally and Grandpa Howard to the Tea House! And maybe I'll even get the Florida pics posted!

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